
Detox Programs

Detox Your Body

Create a Healthier and Happy You!

Two time tested and effective programs not just to lose weight but also reduce your dependence on medications, sleep better, improve sex drive, enhance fertility, have more energy and be emotionally balanced. 

Patients often ask what they can do to take fewer medications and / or improve their blood chemistry level. It is not uncommon that patients are on one or all of the following medications and are at a loss on what to do:

  • High blood pressure

  • Diabetes

  • Cholesterol

  • Pain 

Rebuild Your Body From the Inside Out

If you ever felt sluggish, foggy, or out of sync with your body, chances are it is overloaded with toxins, additives and artificial flavorings. Intrinsically, you know that you need to eat better and exercise but just do not know how to go about doing it.

The adage, “You are what you eat” cannot be further from the truth. Let us guide you with the 21 day Standard Process Purification Program or the 28 day Detox Program. You will learn how to read food labels, identify toxins in foods and household products, and how to make wholesome home-cooked meals free of additives and artificial flavorings. This coaching will provide you with a firm foundation that you can built upon-so you can continue nourishing yourself and your family, long after the program ends.

Support your whole body through vitamins, minerals, and nutrients found within whole foods

Make no mistake, the Purification and Detox Programs are NOT meal replacements. You still need to eat whole foods, drink water, and avoid alcohol and junk foods. With adequate nourishment and paying attention to your consumption, you’ll build the foundation for improved whole-body health.


On average, patients who participate in this program lose an average 9-15 lbs. drop 1-3% body fat and lower their BMI by 1.5. 

Program Participants report experiencing:

  • Increased energy

  • Weight loss

  • Reduced bloating

  • Fewer cravings

  • Improved focus

  • Better sleep

  • Less aches and pain

  • Lower cholesterol

  • Lower HA1C level

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Respond to stress better


Find out if detoxification or purification is
right for you - ask us today!


Start Your Mornings Right

  • Morning is when you are most full of toxins and dehydrated.

  • Reach for a big glass of water first thing in the morning – even before coffee.


What to do Before You Detox (2-Week Preparation)

Decrease Carbohydrate Cravings and Simple Carbohydrate Consumption
Begin to remove simple carbohydrates from diet:

  • White flour

  • White rice

  • White sugar

Packaged and Processed Foods – Junk Food
Remove high starch vegetables from diet:

  • Corn

  • White Potatoes

  • Reduce grains 

Improve Bile Integrity and Flow
Foods that can help improve bile integrity:

  • Beets

  • Artichokes

  • Bitter leafy salad greens (dandelions, chicory, endive)

  • Freshly squeezed lemon in hot water

Increase Water Intake
The goal is to get your water intake to ½ your body weight in ounces before you begin your purification or detox program.

Regulate Blood Sugar
Eat every 2 hours to balance blood sugar levels.

Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intake
This increases fiber and antioxidant levels in the body, both of which are important in helping the body with the detoxification program

  • Eat twice as many vegetables as fruits

  • Add a mixed green salad with lunch and dinner

  • Have at least two vegetables of two different colors with dinner

Begin to Reduce Toxic Exposure
Reduce the use of toxic household cleaning products – the inside of your home can be 25 to 100 x more toxic than outside

  • Change your household cleaning products

  • Get rid of non-stick pans : release PFOS – perfluorooctane sulfonate when heated

  • Reduce the use of toxic beauty products

Improve Glutathione Levels in the Liver
Natural Foods that boost them:

  • Asparagus

  • Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, cauliflower (Cruciferous vegetables)

  • Avocado

  • Spinach

  • Eggs, garlic, radish

  • Curcumin (Turmeric)

21-Day Purification Program

The Standard Process Purification Program helps your body purify and rebuild itself from the inside out

28-Day SP Detox Balance™ Program

Delivers whole food-based nutrition that supports easy, safe and healthy removal of toxins


We proudly offer products made by

What People Are Saying About Our Detox Programs

“Do it! You will see results, and most importantly, you will feel the results.”

“I like that she explains everything to you and always on hand if I feel like I am giving up.”

“I was unable to stabilize my cholesterol levels for the past 13 years. After doing this program, my doctor took me off my meds.” 

“It is not as hard and you’ll make many positive changes.”

“The first 3 days may be hard as we are detoxing. After that it is a breeze.”

“I was borderline diabetic and under Ida’s guidance, I was able to keep my numbers in check and not be on metformin.”

“This is such a good way to lose weight and improve and expand food choices. I’d never used fresh herbs and quinoa or lentil before, but now they are part of my regular diet.”

“From now, when I feel off, I know that I have too much toxins and it’s time to another round of detox program.”