Listening To Your Body

Acupuncture treatments give your body the opportunity to rest and reset and pave way for new ways of doing things.

Are there messages your body is signaling that you are ignoring and need to understand? One way our bodies communicate with us is via pain or discomfort. This could be an annoying low grade pain or something that is sharp and stabbing. Regardless, let’s not ignore them.

Here are some tips to self care and listen to your body :

1) If you are experiencing pain in your spine, don’t ignore them. Take breaks, use proper lifting techniques and avoid heavy loads;

2) Stretching is a a great way to promote flexibility and joint mobility. Simple stretches like cat-cow, child’s pose and cobra are effective in relieving tension;

3) Practice good posture. Take a look in the mirror and notice if you have a tilted pelvis or belly that changed your alignment. Sitting and standing up straight with chin tucked, shoulder back can help maintain lower back alignment;

4) Exercise regularly. This habit not only strengthens your core muscles but can also help prevent injuries. Choose something you like and enjoy and mix them up!


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