Self Care is Worth It!

Who is Patient # 1 ? Its You!

As we enter the New Year, I urge you to attend to your self care and do things that make your heart sing with JOY!

Here are some tips on how to do it :

1. Eat a Whole Foods Diet - aim to have at least 3 different colored vegetables at lunch and dinner. Cut our highly processed foods and eating at fast food joints.

2. Commit to a fun exercise each week - this could range from hiking, walking, yoga, Pilates or cycling. By being committed at least 30 mins daily, you will reap the benefits of health and happy cardiovascular system.

3. Let go of people - some folks are just ‘energy vampires’. Let go of them. Vibrate to a higher level of being and surround yourself with people who will support your emotionally and spiritually.

Self Care takes time, energy and effort. A little goes a long way!


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Endocrine System